Saturday, January 22, 2011

Australiana for Australia Day

We love Australia Day and we love getting out there in our Australia Day gear.  There is nothing more we like better on 26 January than getting in to our Aussie flag gear, draping an Australian flag off the front of the house and wacking a flag or two and a couple of stickers on the car, we are proud Australians and we are not afraid to show it.

Unfortunately some people nowdays have come to associate Aussie flag clothing and especially Australian car flags as rascist, but nothing could be further from the truth. Amongst our dads we have immigrants, children of immigrants and others whose families have been in Australia for hundreds of years and we see raising the flag as patriotic and, in a sense, reclaiming it from those few people who try to co-opt it as a sign of racism and exclusion.

So this Australia Day, get yourself some Aussie gear, invite a few mates of what ever colour, race and religion over for a barbeque. For a great range of Aussie gear including Australian Flags, Caps, Stickers, Bandanas and more, check out the reasonably priced range at the DCMA Collection.

Dad Rating

Wave the flag this Australia Day
Reasonably priced Australiana.

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